Kamis, 08 Desember 2011



Dear Psychology students

I would like to inform you that we will have midterm test on Sunday. Here, your lecturer, Miss. Nursiah asked me to take responsible to your midterm test. Therefore, I love to interview you for some topics. For this, I will provide an issue about HYPNOTIC that you can choose the topics are:
  1.  Most people think that hypnotize is considered to the magic or supernatural power. Do you agree by this statement? Mention your opinion!
  2. In Indonesia, there are many crimes happened because of hypnotize. What do you think about this statement? 
  3. We watch in television, there are some TV programs in Indonesia that perform hypnotize. So, do you think it is benefit programs or not? Mention your opinion!
Those are the topics for our midterm. Please you choose one of them, and prepare yourself that I will interview you according the topic that you choose. I hope you also provide some sources to support your idea. I want to say that when you are interviewed, DON’T WORRY ABOUT YOUR GRAMMAR! I only consider to your opinion…

if you have question, you are free to contact me on E-mail, or mobile.

Best LUcK of You! See you on Sunday