Sabtu, 10 September 2011

English For Academic Purposes - Climate Change

By: Dara Iffah (230818121)

            Climate change that we know as global warming is the process combination gasses from greenhouse and other gasses such as Methane, Carbon dioxide, Nitric Acid, and Chlorofluorocarbons, are accumulating in the atmosphere that resulting in increased heat on earth. “Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time and adds considerable stress to our societies and to the environment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. Without drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costly”[1]. This process resulted in two major things that happens the bottom layer of the atmosphere. Those are high rainfall and sea level rise. In addition, the impact of climate change is melting ice in the north and south poles which is the beginning of the impact of sea level rise, as well as the impact of the increasing frequency of natural disasters and extreme weather, and declining quality of agricultural production.

            Climate change occurs due to accumulation of gases from industry, vehicles, and greenhouse, which causes the heat of the earth increases. Gases is meant here as the gas carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases combined with air so that the chemical composition of the atmosphere can no longer filter the incoming solar heat the earth. The use of coal, petroleum, and gas, as well as illegal logging and forest burning can produce carbon dioxide. Nitrous oxide is produced by vehicles and industrial emissions, while emissions methane caused by industrial and agricultural activities. Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs damage the lining ozone as well as greenhouse gases cause global warming.

                “Carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxides are polluting gases are accumulating in the atmosphere and trapping more heat from the sun. While the ocean and vegetation capture vast amounts of CO2, its ability to be a "roof" is now exceeded by emissions. This means that every year, the cumulative total amount of greenhouse gases in the air increases thus accelerating global warming”[2].

            There are many effects of climate change on all of countries in the world, especially archipelago countries, such as Indonesia, Maldives, Madagascar, and others. “Implications of climate change as global warming, caused by rising greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), resulting in two major things that happened in the lowest atmospheric layer, those are fluctuations in rainfall and sea level rise. As an archipelago, Indonesia is most vulnerable to sea level rise. Has done projections of sea level rise for parts of Indonesia, until the year 2100, estimated a sea level rise up to 1.1 m which is impacted on the loss of coastal areas and small islands covering an area of 90,260 km2”.[3] These problems have an effect on coastal areas and other low areas if global warming process occurs continuously. In addition, the accumulation of gases that cause warming in Earth's atmosphere affects the melting of ice in the north and south polar ice sheets are thinning, it will cause sea level rise. Beside that, rising sea levels, one of most certain consequences of climate change, have already had significant impact on American coastal areas.[4]

                Global warming caused by excessive gas productivity caused naturally burned forests, compounded by smoke fumes and industrial-mixed so that the air polluted. “Besides that the impact of climate change is the increasing natural disasters and extreme weather, such as flooding, landslide, tropical storm, and drought”.[5] This is because the increase so that the earth's geothermal experiencing drought, in addition to climate shifts, causing uneven rainfall. This led to a long rainy season, in addition to that due to the destruction of forests, so that roots of plants in the forest can no longer hold water, so that rain water spilled into the flood and landslides.
                Other things the impact of climate change are declining farm productivity. “Representative of the UN Environment Programme on the Framework Convention UN Work on Climate Change Conference in Morocco 7th November 2001 that the harvest staple foods like wheat, rice and corn could drop by up to 30% one hundred years future due to global warming. The farmers will switch places processed into the cooler mountains”.[6]

            As a conclusion, climate change due to human activities. Therefore, let's start from now on we fix this nature, with re-forestation of barren and reduce the productivity of harmful gases. Keep our environment that will be useful for the future.

[1] United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Climate Change.
[2] Kelompok Kerja Pemanasan Global dari Para Promotor KPKC, Pemanasan Global dan Perubahan Iklim Roma, March 2002.
[3] Armi Susandi, Indriani Herlianti, and et. All, Dampak Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Ketinggian Muka Laut Di Wilayah Banjarmasin , Jurnal Ekonomi Lingkungan Vol.12/No.2/2008  - Program Studi Meteorologi - Institut Teknologi Bandung
[4] David A. Grossman, Warning Up To a Not-So-Radical idea: Trot-Based Climate Change Litigation – Columbia Journal Of Environmental Law - 2003). (184 words)
[5] Armi Susandi, Indriani Herlianti, et. All, Dampak Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Ketinggian Muka Laut Di Wilayah Banjarmasin- Jurnal Ekonomi Lingkungan Vol.12/No.2/2008 -  Program Studi Meteorologi - Institut Teknologi Bandung
[6] Kelompok Kerja Pemanasan Global dari Para Promotor KPKC, Pemanasan Global dan Perubahan Iklim - Roma, March 2002.

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