Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Intrinsic elements of novel


Literature Task
By : Dara Iffah

The Intrinsic Elements of Novel

The intrinsic elements in a novel are element that directly contribute build the story. The intrinsic elements are plot, setting, characterization, message, point of view, style of writing, and theme.

By Harper Lee

Copyright (C) 1960 by Harper Lee
Copyright (C) renewed 1988 by Harper Lee
Published by arrangement with McIntosh and Otis, Inc.

for Mr. Lee and Alice
in consideration of Love & Affection

Lawyers, I suppose, were children once.
Charles Lamb

The Intrinsic Elements of Novel

1.     Plot.
a.     Exposition.

The view of White people in Maycomb that Negro people was humiliated. They assumed Negro as the scum of society. There were many blasphemies from white people.
Beside that, there was lived an 8 years-old-girl. Her name was Jean Louise Finch (Scout Finch), she had an older brother named Jem Finch. Their father named Atticus. He was a lawyer in Maycomb country. Their father had difference think from other people.

b.     Raising Action.

They met Dill in the summer, Dill made suggestion for to make Boo Radley go out from his house. Boo Radley was a mysterious man who lived near their house. According the story, Boo Radley ate cats only.

Beside that their father, Atticus Finch is a lawyer in a racially divided Alabama town in the 1930s. He agrees to defend a young black man who is accused of raping a white woman. Many of the townspeople try to get Atticus to pull out of the trial, but he decides to go ahead.

c.       Climax

The court is available in summer. The court is in the heat of argument. Mr. Heck Tate’s solicitor is Mr. Gilmer. The result of court is Tom Robinson is guilty.
d.      Failing Action

After few days, tom’s dead, he is shot while he is running from the prison while their exercise time. The news of Tom’s death is speared in Maycomb. All people discuss about the event until two days.

            In other action, jem’s arm gets broken while they are going home from Auditorium of school after party. They come back to home very late because Scout is sleeping after party. On the way to home, someone trap them, and he hit Jem, but scout can’t see who is trapping them because she is still in her costume. Suddenly someone comes and helps them, and he hit the man who is trapping them. After that, he brings Jem to his house after a while scout comes and look for her brother. She looks Boo Radley is standing in her brother’s bedroom. She find that Boo Radley helped them.
e.       Conclusion:

Conflict between white people and Negro people in Maycomb County that effect to a boy and a girl, they are a Lawyer’s kids who works in Alabama. Their father defenses a Negro man whom is wrongly alleged of raping a poor white woman. In fact, he a victim of white woman's effort to hide her guilt by targeting his innocence and utilizing favors of racial attitude of unsocial society towards Negros.

2.     Setting

City: Maycomb County, Albama
Place: Home, School, Church, Radley Place, and the court.
Time: The 1930, summer, winter, and midnight.

3.     Characterization

Jean Louise Finch (Scout Finch):
Anger, she used to be annoying, and critically. Her ambition was to be a lady. She is from Finch family. She was Atticus’s daughter, and her age was 8 years old. She lived in Maycomb County. She lived with her father and brother. Her mother died from a sudden heart attacked, when she was two years old. She loves her brother a lot.
Jem Finch:
Lovely, Fairly, friendly, and sometime want to wildly. He was Scout’s older brother and Atticus’s son. He was 12 years-old-boy. Sometime he takes time to be alone.
Atticus Finch:
Wise, lovely, and hate something wrong. He was a lawyer. He was Scout, and Jem’s father. He helped a Negro named Tom Robinson from a case.
Love Atticus’s children, make same principle with Atticus, discipline, and distinct. She was all angles and bones, nearsighted and she squinted. She lived in Atticus’s house. She used to fight with Scout.
Dill (Charles Baker Harris):
Angered, always have good idea, inquisitive, sometime told lying and annoying. He was from Meridian, Mississippi, used to spend the summer with his aunt, Miss Rachel. His mother worked for a photographer in Meridian. 
Arthur ‘Boo’ Radley:
A mysterious man, who made Scout, Jem and Dill angered. He was a son of Mr. Radley. He never went out from his house, his house was always closed. According the story, Boo Radley ate cat. Boo Readly who lives in the town is mentally retarded and is sidelined by the society. He is a mark of fear and curiosity for children because he is different from others. But he is the one who marks the ultimate climax of this emotionally crafted masterpiece.
Tom Robinson:
Honestly, He was a Negro, and the accused. He was 25 years old, was married with three children, and lived in little settlement beyond the town dump.
Burris Ewell:
He was naughty boy and filthiest human. In their school, they used to come first day every year and leave. In the school, he insulted the teacher.
Miss Caroline Fisher:
She was no more than twenty-one years old. She had right bright auburn-hair, pink cheek, and wore, crimson fingernail polish. She was a teacher in Scout’s class. She boarded in Miss Maudie Atkinson’s house.
Cecil Jacobs:
He was a worse boy, and used to scold his friend. He lived at next door to the post office. He used to walk a total of one mile per school day to avoid Radley Place and Mrs. Lafayette Dubose.
Mrs. Lafayette Dubose:
All neighborhood opinion was unanimous that Mrs. Dubose was the meanest old woman who ever lived.
Miss Maudie Atkinson:
She is a lovely widow, worked in her flower beds in an old straw hat and men’s coveralls. Her speech was crisp for a Maycomb County inhabitant. She loved everything that grew in the earth, but she hated a blade of nut grass. She was a daughter of neighboring landowner, Dr. Frank Buford. She had an acid tongue, and she didn’t go to neighborhood for deeds. Based on scout’s opinion, she was a good lady.
Judge Taylor:
He was amiable, white-haired, and slightly ruddy-faced. He often cleaned his fingernails with his pocket knife. He learned in law, but he seemed to take his job casually. He permitted smoking in courtroom, but did not himself, and he was bit dirty.
Mr. Gilmer:
He was a Mr. Heck’s solicitor, from Abbottsville, a balding and smooth-faced man. He is 40-60 years old. He had slight cast in one of his eyes. He seemed to be looking at a person when he was not doing.

4.     Theme

The story of one town changed by prejudiced. There are two children’s discover of the truth. It is about love and affection.

5.     Message

All people will change because of prejudice. This story will make anyone think hard about how they treat others and it is really heartwarming without being soppy.

6.     Point Of View

The author is the first people in the story or main actor of the Novel.

7.     Style of writing

There are many slank languages are used. Plot of story is combination between forward and backward.

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